Family From The Heart

Family From The Heart

Hosted by: Cliff & Stephanie Ravenscraft

In the Family From The Heart Podcast, Cliff and Stephanie give you a behind the scenes look into the lives of the Ravenscraft family. This is an entertaining podcast that is meant to be an authentic, unscripted, look...

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421 - Celebrating 25 Years of Marriage

In this episode, Stephanie and I simply share a conversation around the things that we've experienced during our 25 years of marriage together.Β  We're just getting started!
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420 - She Bought A Couch!

In this episode, Stephanie and I talk about the following: Helping Meagan Move Lost River Cave Pride & Prejudice Audiobook Opryland Resort Disney's Jungle Cruise Movie Etc.
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419 - Introduction To Pride & Prejudice

Topics in this episode include the following: Stephanie feeling Zen and Cliff drinking a Bang. Stephanie's giant to do list. Matthew is going to WKU in January. McKenna has her first job. Episode 054 of Twilight Saga...
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418 - Matthew Is Going To College

In this episode we talk about Matthew's decision to go to College, our upcoming trip to Nashville, my (Cliff's) trip to the Smokey Mountains, and various other random items.
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417 - Imposter Syndrome

In this episode... I tell Stephanie about my experience of seeing other people age around me but never really imagining aging myself. That is until I recently worked with a coaching client who, when I told him that I...
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416 - I Love My Tenaciously Obstinate Wife

Now that 415 previous episodes of the Family From The Heart podcast are now available. Meagan is going back through the archives and listening to episodes that Stephanie and I did when she was younger. Imagine our...
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415 - They Are Tracking Our Every Move

We are back! Stephanie and I have decided to return to the microphone to share the random experiences of our lives as a married couple.Β  It doesn't get more random that this episode. First,Β I (Cliff)Β start off with a...
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414 – Reevaluating

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413 – Meeting The Boys

Cliff does not like to write show notes.
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412 - No Episode Title

No Show Notes
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411 – WE ARE BACK!!!

Cliff does not like to write show notes.
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410 – A February 2019 Update

In this episode, Stephanie and I share a few updates about what we've been up to since we've shut down the Family From The Heart podcast. Also, we include the audio recording of a recent podcast episode that Stephanie...
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