026 - Struggle - How Can I Build A Thriving Business If I Can Coach On Almost Anything?

Recently, I hosted an "Ask Me Anything" session on the topic of "The Business of Coaching" and Loubna Zarrou asked the following question: 

"I have been coaching many years but one struggle is how to turn it into a business when you can coach on almost anything."

The advice I gave in this episode:

First, I shared one of my favorite Steven Chandler quotes about the topic of "choosing a niche" for your coaching.

Next, I provided the following five pieces of advice:

  1. Determine how much money that you need to generate on a monthly basis to thrive financially from your full-time self-employed coaching business.
  2. Do the math….
    • Can you find 1 client to pay 100% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work?
    • Can you find 2 clients to pay 50% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work?
    • Can you find 4 clients to pay 25% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work?
    • Can you find 10 clients to pay 10% of your monthly amount within 15 to 20 hours a week of work?
  3. Determine exact ideal client for that offer and go validate it. However, while searching for that exact fit, don’t ignore all the other clients who would fit within that price ranged product.
  4. Commit to generating all your monthly income needs by working with as few clients as possible that would require no more than 15 to 20 hours a week of your time to serve.
  5. Once booked solid and consistently generating that revenue on a monthly basis, start adding other products and services.


If you are resonating with the content that I create, you will find one or more of the following products and services extremely valuable and life transformative.

1. Train With Cliff Audio Journal Podcast - This "audio journal format" podcast contains many of the same insights that my clients who pay tens of thousands of dollars to get from me directly. Plus there are "behind the scenes insights," about how I operate my business, that have enticed nearly all my existing clients to subscribe to this show as well. Go to http://TrainWithCliff.com to learn more.

2. Free The Dream Online Course - Do you have a dream or goal that you are struggling to turn into reality? Some have gone through this course in a single day, others have taken a weekend retreat to go through it. However, everyone who has gone through the six hours of this material has completely altered their experience of the world. Go to http://FreeTheDreamCourse.com to learn more.

3. Next Level Mastermind - If you are full-time self-employed and are not yet in an ongoing mastermind group, stop what you are doing and read every word and watch all the video content found at http://NextLevelMastermind.info.

4. One-On-One Coaching - God has granted me unique gifts and a capacity to help clients see things that they are not able see on their own. For every problem there is a solution. For every desired destination, there is always a path to get there (often multiple paths). Click Here To Apply For One-On-One Coaching With Me.

Of course you might be interested in some of my other free content


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