142 - Hearing God Speak - An Esoteric Teaching of Jesus

In my recent times of meditation and prayer, I have felt called to share more of the things that I've been learning about the more "esoteric teachings of Jesus."

The word "esoteric" is defined as "intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest."

It is very clear, that Jesus taught deeper spiritual truths to his close disciples than the messages that he shared publicly.

In this episode, I share what came up for me during my time of meditation and journaling.

The main emphasis of this episode is on Matthew 10:27 where Jesus said.... "What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs." - NIV Translation

Other Scriptural References made in this episode include:

  • Matthew 17:1-13
  • John 17:21
  • Mark 1:29-39
  • John 8:38a
  • John 5:19-20a
  • John 12:49-50


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