013 - Beginning A New Season

In this episode, Stephanie and I record a podcast update about our newest season of life while going for a walk.

Topics include the following:

  • Why hasn't there been content from the two of us together since June?
  • Family update, including what has been going on with Meagan, Matthew and McKenna since April.
  • Stephanie's personal updates since April.
  • Stephanie's business/professional updates since April

If you are interested in the Entrepreneurial Couples Mastermind Group that we are hosting, email [email protected] to request more information.


We used the DJI MIC (Affiliate Link) to record this episode.


This single podcast episode will be published in four different podcast feeds.

  1. Building A Life And Business Together
  2. Family From The Heart
  3. Thriving Mosaic
  4. Train With Cliff - Audio Journal Podcast



50% Complete

Two Step

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