001 - Our Origin Story - How We Built A Business From A Hobby

Welcome to our brand new podcast!  Stephanie and I are eager to share so many of the experiences and insights that we have had and continue to have as we have built both a life and business that we love.

In this first episode, we share our "origin story."  Actually, the origin story that you hear in this episode was recorded back in May 2017. In future episodes, you'll discover how everything in this telling of our story was simply JUST THE BEGINNING for even more exciting things to come.

If you enjoy this episode, we hope that you'll subscribe and maybe even share it with someone that you think could  benefit from it as well.

CLICK HERE to see some other shows that we produce.

Check out my (Cliff's) Work With Me Page to learn more about how we can help you take your life and business to the next level.


50% Complete

Two Step

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