573 – ISOLATION – The Silent Killer of Dreams & Businesses

The first half of this week's episode is a personal update about why I've decided to jump back into the habit of waking up at 4:30am every day. In the episode, I mentioned that I did a vlog episode on the topic of how this was easy for me to accomplish. You can watch my vlog on the topic of THE POWER OF LEVERAGE by clicking here.

The second half of this episode is actually the audio from a video that I created for my YouTube channel to market the Next Level Mastermind. The topic is ISOLATION, the silent killer of most people's dreams and businesses.

If you are on the full-time self-employed business journey, I encourage you to APPLY FOR THE NEXT LEVEL MASTERMIND TODAY.


I have other podcasts that might be of interest to you. See my list of shows at http://CliffRavenscraft.com/podcast


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